The Occult of Illustration - The Great October Book Giveaway

*The Harrow County series is sailing off to Jacqueline Thompson!
The Linestrider Tarot is going home with Mrs Duncan Mahogany!
What is a Witch is flying off to Brandy Boyd! Congratulations!*

From sigils and symbols to alchemical figures and automatic drawing, art and the occult have been imaginative bedfellows for centuries. Where would tarot as we know it be without Pamela Colman Smith's images, and how might the Key of Solomon do its work without the pentacles to accompany it? In this second-to-last October giveaway, I am sharing some of the magical illustrations that caught my eye this year.

To start with, I have a set of the first two volumes (collectively includes the first eight issues) of the beautiful and frightening Harrow County, a Dark Horse comic series by Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook. Labeled "a southern gothic fairy tale" Harrow County is teeming with devilish fun and is sure to make you pull your blanket up a little higher as you read it.

I keep telling myself I won't buy any more tarot decks...for a while, at least...and then one (or three) catches my eye that I just can't walk away from. Here's the trick (and the dark truth behind all of this October fun), if I buy a deck for you then I don't feel so guilty picking one up for myself too. After all, I should know how lovely it is if I'm going to pass it on to someone, right?

The Linestrider Tarot was created and illustrated by Siolo Thompson, who first brought the deck into being via a successful crowdfunding campaign. The production of the deck has been picked up by a well known publishing company, and the gorgeous images have been given a fair treatment by the printer and are simple yet intriguing. A full-sized book (shown at top left in the image below) accompanies the tarot to round out an enchanting set.

Lastly, I picked up something quite special for you. What is a Witch is the latest release from Tin Can Forest, an art press from collaborators Marek Colek and Pat Shewchuk. Written by Pam Grossman of Phantasmaphile and illustrated by the Tin Can Forest crew, What is a Witch is an "illuminated manifesto" of the triumph and joy of being a witch.

I have one copy (or set in the case of Harrow County) of each of these illustrated treasures to give away to some fortunate folks.  Please drop your name in a comment by Sunday, October 30th at 9pm Pacific, and feel free to let me know which one catches your attention. I'll do my best to outfit the winners with their choices, if possible. If for any reason Blogger's comment vibe isn't working for you, then you can also enter via the "make contact" button up top.

Also, please make sure if you leave a comment there is some way for me to get a hold of you (preferrably an email left in the comment or linked to your Blogger or G+ profile). I've pulled a couple names from the hat this month and had no way of contacting them, so I had to choose again.

Legal Bits:

* This giveaway (or "sweepstakes") is open to all residents of Canada, (exluding Quebec residents) the USA, Great Britain, Europe, South America,  who are 18 years of age or older. This giveaway is void where prohitibited by law.  Please be aware of the contest/sweepstakes laws in your area.

*  Canadian residents will be subject to a skill testing question before being able to claim their prize (this is standard law in Canada).  The skill testing question will be in a form similar to: 1 + 2 - 1 =

*  This giveaway is not for profit and no purchase is necessary to enter.

*  This giveaway is sponsored/administrated solely by this blog/blog author and is not affilitated with or sponsored by Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, or any other entity, nor can they be held liable.

* By leaving a comment intending to enter into the draw for the giveaway (or "sweepstakes") you are knowingly agreeing to these rules/conditions.

I have chosen all the books/cards featured this month myself.  I have not been paid to feature a book, nor have I been asked to advertise for anyone.  This giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by anyone other than Rue and Hyssop


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