
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2015

The Great October Book Giveaway - Divination

The folks taking home the card decks are: The Green Witch Tarot - Chad The Earthbound Oracle - Hexe The Fantod Pack - Rob Phoenix Thanks again, wonderful folks, for playing along all October. I'm missing that magical month already! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  The It has somehow all come down to this - the last day of October, and the last bit of frivolity here in this month of giveaways. I have had several people ask me why I do this - why I gather books and oddities throughout the year from authors I meet or enjoy, or find something I fancy and buy an extra one for a stranger. It pleases me. It's as simple as that, really. This blog has been a safe place for my thoughts and my heart for some time now (even during a year like this one when I only get by once or twice a month to post something). Picking up these books (and this year in particular, some extra fun items) is my way of keeping the people who stop by here in my thoughts all year long. It's a bi

The Great October Book Giveaway - Byron Ballard

Byron's books are going home with: KellyM and Sam Saye - congratulations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I read our next author's first book " Staubs and Ditchwater : A Friendly and Useful Introduction to Hillfolks' Hoodoo" I felt like I was sitting around a table with my grandmother and aunts, a large pot of tea making the rounds, while they talked about the business of keeping house, and keeping other folks noses out of your business. My grandmother was not from the Appalachians however, she was a British import who could grow spectacular roses with little effort, brew a pot of tea that would fix anything from a headache to heartbreak, and use a potato to dislodge the stinger of a bee that was stuck in your foot. She had a small witch on a broom hanging in her little yellow kitchen, and gods help you if you lifted a lid on one of her pots while they were bubbling on the stove (she knew if you did too - whether she was in the room or not). Byron Ballar

The Great October Book Giveaway - Sarah Anne Lawless

Wow - you all love you some Sarah Anne Lawless! Do swing by her shop and blog, she has a new look happening over there and some lovely new products in the works! The issue of Clavicula Nox is going home with Magaly Guerrero. The flying ointment will be whisking off to Jen Lawrence. Swing by tomorrow when more magical books appear! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am a bit late posting this next giveaway today, because I spent a good portion of the late morning and early afternoon up in the hills, wandering through the now naked birch and tamarack trees, across drifts of yellow needles and leaves, and through pine and fir forests that made me swoon.  I know that our next author/artist would approve of how I spent that portion of my day, so I am not too worried that I am finally sitting down to post the next giveaway for your wicked October pleasure. Sarah Anne Lawless is an author, artist, folk herbalist and witch, who spends her days creating with plant, bone, ink, and whatever she can ge

The Great October Book Giveaway - Judika Illes

The Encyclopedia of Spirits is going home with: William Jones Magic When You Need It is going home with: Stephanie Clayton Congrats! Another wicked duo will be up for grabs tomorrow... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I find it a rare thing to hear an author spoken well of across varying groups of practitioners. Often, I hear a book or a writer mentioned, and there is someone else in the room who immediately starts rolling their eyes, or wants to tell you why that particular author is not worth your time. I can honestly say that I've never heard anyone speak ill of our next author. Perhaps the amount of research and information she pours into her books, is the reason there is a wide reaching appreciation of her work, or it may simply be that others have discovered what I have - she is a truly lovely human being who adores this magical world, and wants to share it with others. I am pleased to be sharing two of Judika Illes' books with you: Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ulti

Death Rites and Remembrances: My Grandfather's Music

The delightful Magaly Guerrero hosts a blog party each October under the " Witches in Fiction " banner. Each year she chooses a new haunting theme, and this year the idea surrounds celebrating or marking the memory of loved ones that no longer walk with us in the flesh. I have a small story to share, if you want to pull up a chair and sit a while. It won't take long, but there is a campfire here, and I'll pass you a cup of hot chocolate if it pleases you. The neighbour brought fresh apples from his trees this week, and I made tarts. Help yourself. My grandfather (top right) stands with his siblings and parents outside the castle that his father built for his mother upon coming to Canada. The "castle" was a grand house sporting a roof with faux turrets. More impressive than the house, were the grounds my great-grandmother kept. Secret garden rooms and hidden sculptures were found all over her yard, and I spent long days getting lost out there among the plant

The Great October Talisman Giveaway - Aidan Wachter

The "Wolf Moon" talisman will be going home with... Kashmira 17 Congratulations, lucky duck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The month is somehow half over already, and I have not gotten up to my usual amount of mischief. I still have some ideas up my sleeve, and there are more forest journeys to take, and moons to howl under. In the meantime I thought I'd shake up this bookish month with an extra special treat. My brilliantly talented friend Aidan Wachter has offered up a wicked talisman for your October pleasure. This beauty, titled " Wolf Moon " is Aidan's nod to Circe: I have several of Aidan's charms, and each one is wildly special to me. His craftsmanship is spectacular. As pretty as his photos are, there is nothing quite like seeing his work in your hands, and around your neck. You can order any of his designs for yourself, here , or you can contact him directly about custom work. You might also want to leave a comment on this post, because on Tues

The Great October Colouring Book Giveaway

The colouring books are heading home with the following people: Just Add Color: Day of the Dead:  thevapyrwithin The Mindfulness Coloring Book:  lesadora The Shakti Coloring Books:  LJ Dogsmom Congratulations and happy colouring! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One thing you should know if you are new to this little blog is that I am Canadian, and we toss the letter "u" around like confetti on New Year's Eve. We especially like it cozied up to the letter "o" in particular. This post is titled correctly. However, these next books to give away...they look a bit naked without the "u" in their title. In this case, they are in fact naked, and waiting on your hands to fill them. (This is sounding naughtier than I planned.) Colouring books for grown ups are all the rage of late, but I have been squirreling away my nieces old books for years. When I can't turn my mind off, when meditation just doesn't work, I dig out something to keep my hands busy for a

The Great October Book Giveaway - Amy Stewart

These are the lucky folks taking home Amy's books: Jennifer - The Drunken Botanist adventuresinverdance - Wicked Plants Congrats!  I'll contact you tonight! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our next books are from The Drunken Botanist herself, Amy Stewart . Amy is a New York Times bestselling author who writes fantastic books about gardens, pests, plants, poisons, and booze. How could you not love her? She has just released her first fiction novel, but you are getting a chance to grab one of her wicked garden tomes. First up, we have "The Drunken Botanist: The Plants That Create the World's Great Drinks." " This New York Times bestseller uncovers the enlightening botanical history and the fascinating science and chemistry of over 150 plants, flowers, trees, fruits, and even a few fungi—all with a delightful two-color vintage-style interior, over fifty drink recipes, growing tips for gardeners, and Amy Stewart’s trademark wit.  " And next, "Wicked Plan

The Great October Book Giveaway - Red Wheel/Weiser Books

The two Debra's have swept this round - Debra She Who Seeks and Debra Nehring! And because you have requested different books, you shall have your wish. I will be in contact for your mailing addresses. Thanks so much to Weiser Books, and to all of you who stopped by - do swing back early tomorrow morning for the next set of books up for grabs! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If there is a publishing house that is staffed with nicer folks than the lovely people at Weiser Books , I would be terribly surprised. For the second time, these generous book lovers have offered you, dear readers, a duo of this year's releases from their wonderful catalogue. Special thanks to Eryn for going above and beyond and Judika for keeping me connected! First up, we have Courtney Weber's gorgeous study on the goddess Brigid : "Brigid—mother, daughter, healer, bard, warrior, fire goddess, goddess of the oak, animals, and magic. Brigid of the spring, her festival Imbolc, oversees fertility of all k

The Great October Book Giveaway - Neil Gaiman

These books are now heading out to haunt: ~ Birgit ~ Autumn Earthsong Congrats! I'll contact you shortly! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once upon a time, I gave away four books in the month of October. I enjoyed it a great deal and decided to continue the tradition the following year. I thought that perhaps I should name my October book party something clever, and the name "All Hallows Read" came to me, which I thought was perfect! And it was perfect - so perfect that Neil Gaiman had already thought of it . Thanks Neil . Fast forward several years later, and I'm now giving away oodles (a scientific term) of books, and Neil and I are good. I have since forgiven him, and discovered his reimagined " Hansel & Gretel " with dark and stunning illustrations by Italian artist Lorenzo Mattotti. Neil talks a bit about the horror of Hansel and Gretel for him as a child, and why you should make children aware of dark things, in this brief interview . I have two copi