The Great October Book Giveaway - The Practical Magick Series and Coventry Magic


The next books in our month of magic, all have a practical theme.  These are guides to "getting things done."  Friendly, concise, and straightforward, these are great books for any witch's library.

From Ellen Dugan, we have "Practical Protection Magick"

"Embrace your innate warrior skills—knowledge, balance, and wisdom—and amp up your personal power. This helpful handbook is chock-full of protection witchery and psychic self-defense techniques you can use to keep yourself and your home strong, secure, and protected."

And, "Practical Prosperity Magick"

"Learn how to optimize your opportunities and draw success with this no-nonsense approach to prosperity magick. Providing an accessible foundation grounded in the seven Hermetic principles and the four elements, author Ellen Dugan explores how it can be combined with the law of attraction to improve your future."

And from Jacki Smith, we have "Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs" 

"Jacki Smith, owner of Coventry Candles, one of the largest suppliers of magic candles in the US, has been crafting magic candles for more than twenty years. In Coventry Magic with Candles, Oils, and Herbs, she shares the history of candle magic along with the recipes, spells, and divinations anyone can use to increase love, prosperity, luck, and abundance.

Coventry Magic is not your mama’s candle magic; this is candle magic for our complicated 21st century lives. Coventry Magic explores not only what color candle to use for a specific need but how to dig down deep inside and find out what that need really is."

I have one copy of each of Ellen's Practical Magick books and two copies of Jacki's book to pass along to you. I can't guarantee that you you will get the book you want, but feel free to let me know which book grabs you, and I'll see what I can do when the winning names are picked!

As before, leave a comment* to enter,  If you've been here already this month and previously let me know how we connect, no need to repeat yourself - just let me know which book strikes your fancy.

If you are new to the October giveaways here, check the Rules and Regs, and swing back here to let me know how we've bumped into each other.  (For example, do you roll your eyes at my silly tweets over on Twitter, or did you stumble across the blog and subscribe?)

The four winners will be announced on Sunday, October 12th at 9pm Pacific/Midnight Eastern.**

Best of luck!

*Please make sure your comment either has direct contact information on it (an email address) or ensure that you comment via a linked profile that takes me to a site where I can contact you directly. I have to be able to notify you in writing if you win (legalities and all) - please make it easy on me!

**This weekend is the Thanksgiving weekend for us Canadians. I will make every effort to post the winners' names at the regular time, but if I'm in a turkey coma, or knee-deep in pumpkin pie, I may be a little late with the announcement.  Thank you for your understanding!

All photos and quoted text are copyright Ellen Dugan and Lllewellyn Worldwide, and Jacki Smith and Red Wheel/Weiser, and are used only to promote the books for this giveaway.


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