Crafting Blooming Howls - Incense for Autumn Nights

I am, like that white rabbit, almost perpetally running (and often a bit behind) but I am sneaking in just before midnight to play along with Magaly, the wickedly wonderful hostess of Pagan Culture, at her "Witches in Fiction: Crafting Blooming Howls" party.  There is a dark and lovely bouquet of posts over there to peruse if you enjoy seeing what crafty witches get themselves up to when a blog party arises.

As for my craft, I'm always inspired by the world around me - especially the hills, rivers and plant life in my delightful Valley. Although the Autumn colours have taken their sweet time arriving (we've had a remarkably sunny and warm September and October) they are starting to flash some crimson and orange here and there.  The last of the herb harvests have just come in and are hanging to dry and I'm starting to play and create some of my favourite concoctions.

Today I'm sharing one of my swoon-worthy incense recipes.  I make this incense each Autumn and burn it to evoke the smoky, sweet, earthy scent of deep Fall when the gardens are put to bed and the last over-ripe apples are dropping from the trees, and the scent of woodsmoke is in the air.

Autumn Incense

1 part benzoin tears
1 part juniper berries
2 parts frankincense tears
1/2 part cedar greens
1 part sandalwood

Use a mortar and pestle to break down the ingredients into the desired consistency.
You can be finished at this step, or
I like to add a drizzle of local honey or wine at this point,
 to wet the incense and make it stick together.
I let the coarse incense dry over a two-week period, turning often. Burn on lit charcoal.

Definitely burn this incense when wandering through the garden with your witchy friends, drinking midnight margaritas.  And don't forget to howl!


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