Farmers Market Saturday

My mother and I had a bit of an early Mother's Day celebration today.  We ran off to the farmers market, where the scents were swoon-worthy, and all the bakery tables were far too tempting. Bread is not my particular addiction, but I still came home with a flax sourdough loaf, an herb baguette, and some blueberry scones.

I bought a good selection of the above tomato plants too, including an heirloom orange variety, a black plum type, and some various paste tomatoes. I can't wait to have my harvest basket filled with those mulit-colored jewels! Oh the bruschetta I'll eat this summer...

These skeins of wool are the size of basketballs.

The lilacs are blooming furiously all over the valley. I swear that every yard has a lilac bush because the air throughout my little town smells entirely of the sweet flowers.

I am beyond delighted that the farmers market has started up again.  My wallet takes a hit every Saturday, but boy is it worth it to eat local, organic food.  I grow so much of my own, but there are many things I don't have room for at the moment (chickens) or don't have the drive to attempt (bee keeping for honey.)

Check your area for local markets. Some cities have indoor markets year round as well.  Talk to the farmers that are vending there - they love to share recipes and some (in our vineyard-dotted valley at least) will give you wine pairing ideas!

Happy farmers market season!


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