Great October Book Giveaway - The Mighty Dead

It's no secret that I'm a Christopher Penczak fan.  I've taken two years of his Temple of Witchcraft courses, and there is a goodly number of his books on my shelf.  I did also feature Christopher last year.  I won't normally be passing along books from the same authors each year in the October giveaway, but if the author has a new book out - it's fair game.  Plus, I wanted a copy of this one myself - so I picked up one for you too!

"Traditions across the world honor and recognize the sanctified dead-not just the ancestors of flesh and blood we knew in life – but the ancestors of our spiritual traditions, who died in a state of alignment and union with the divine. Known as the Bodhisattvas, Saints, Secret Chiefs, Ascended Masters and Inner Plane Adepts in other traditions, Witches know our ancestors as the Hidden Company, the Mighty Dead of our Timeless Tradition in the Nameless Art. In truth, they are the guiding principles of our modern tradition, as inner world priests and priestesses to the gods.They consist of our elders in the modern and ancient world, united in the ecstatic dance of the Witch’s Sabbat. Understand the nature of the Mighty Dead and how to work directly with them for your own healing and evolution, and your work in the worlds of flesh and spirit. Work with ancestral altars, oracular skulls, and spiritual merging. Learn to find guides, teachers, healers and partners within the order of the Mighty Dead."   ~

 Sounds fascinating, right?

Simply leave your comment below if you want this book all to yourself!  Let me know how we connect, and you're good to go!   (Look over the post below if you don't know how this works.)  I will draw the name for Christopher's book on Friday October 4th after 6pm Pacific time.  Good luck!

*The image and quoted text above is from and used only to promote the book "The Mighty Dead" by Christopher Penczak.  


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