Dog Days of Summer

Gayfeather just starting to bloom.

The fierce heat that only mid July can bring, seems to be our constant companion now.  The lawn gets left to grow longer to hold the water in and I switch off watering in the morning or eve, depending on how fast the day warms up.  The other night I was out at 10pm attempting to spend some time moon-bathing, but the temps were still sky-high and the swarms of mosquitoes were deadly.  

The garden time starts at about 5am to beat the heat, but this morning I noticed that it wasn't quite as bright as it had been at that time of day during the last week.  The light is waning.  Even in the midst of hot days and warm nights, thousands of tourists, abundant fruit ripening, festivals and full beaches - the light is slowly losing its hold.

I love the growing season, and am happiest in the garden (during the cool hours,) but my nose would grow if I said that I wasn't a slight bit excited about cooler days and less yard work.  Today was weeding, harvesting carrots and rhubarb, watering and deadheading the perennial bed, mowing the back yard and fussing with the compost - and it's only 10am.

Speaking of compost - remember that fun "Compost Magic" post?  Well, not only did it work, but I also received a magical pumpkin vine out of the deal.  This clever lady popped right out of the base of my composter and has happily grown wild out into the yard.  There are two pumpkin babies on it right now!

Last week I travelled over to the neighbouring valley to hit the farm stands.  I found some apricots, early peaches, lovely sweet onions and a nice bit of Russian red garlic.  And I found some early apples that were perfect for my lazy-girl tarts!  (Recipe here.)  They didn't last long!

This weekend marks my first summer vacation this year.  I'd like to say that I'm putting my feet up, but I'll be driving ten hours to attend a festival (which will be a blast - so don't feel bad for me!)  Next month though, I've got a five-day camping trip to enjoy.  I can finally find some time to sit and read!  

I hope your summer is cruising along well.  Have you vacationed or are you a slave to your garden like I am?

Cheers and cool breezes!


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