Summer Living - Where to Find Me

Summer must be here, because the spirit-child of Tenae at The Witch of Howling Creek, Pagan Living, has arrived!  As always, Tenae and her team have created a gorgeous e-zine brimming with party ideas, recipes, articles and more.  

I'm always so tickled to have an article of mine in the magazine, and if that wasn't enough - this time I've been nominated as an "Inspiring Pagan."  Honestly, if I can inspire anyone to get to a farmers market, grow something, learn a bit about local plants in their area, look up a bit of fun folklore, or take note of the moon phases and seasons, I feel like I've won.

I was also interviewed in the latest edition of the Sunday Stew over at The Secret Life of the American Working Witch.  She asked some great questions - thanks Kallan!

I'm currently up to my neck in boxes.  I've decided to move back to the little town where I work, play and garden full-time, and leave the suite in the city that I've been living in the past three years. There seems to be no sense staying here when I spend the bulk of my time in the next town, which is where my heart is.  I am happy to be heading back!

There is, as always, a full to-do list, but I'm taking things one at a time.  Tonight I've got a nice batch of salve cooling in glass jars on the stove top.  It's a deep gold this time - I let the calendula infuse extra-long in the oils and it's just gorgeous.  Mountain Rose has a great page about creating herbal salves if you are interested in making your own.  (Or you can always purchase one of mine.)

As May closes out with showers and green, lush growth, I am gearing up for a summer of garden worshiping, sun tea sipping, and a few road trip adventures - all from a home base that makes my heart glad.  I hope you have delightful plans for your summer living too!



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