Whole Spices Veggie Pulav

I like black pepper a lot. Not powdered one but whole ones or the crunchy ones, like in papad. Since we moved here, I have been having only garlic papad instead of the spicy one that I normally like. Blame it to Ajoy ;-) for he likes that one or on me that I am bored to serve two different varieties to both of us. But then yesterday I said - that's about it. I have to have those black pepper by hook and crook and that's how this recipe came up :) It was huge hit and I am going to make it again sometime soon.

Whole Spices Veggie Pulav
2.5 Cup Rice
2 Cup Cauliflower florets
2 Raw Bananas
1 Medium sized Eggplant
1 Potato
1 Cup Mutter
1/2 Spoon Black Pepper
1/2 Spoon Jeera
4-5 Cloves
4-5 Cardamom
A pinch of Saffron
Salt to taste

  • In a pan bring water to boil and add rice. Cook the rice over high flame, with constant stirring till its done.
  • Strain remaining water from the rice and keep the rice aside.
  • In another pan, heat oil and fry cauliflower florets, egg plant pieces and raw banana slices. Keep aside.
  • Fry mutter for a second and keep them aside too.
  • Grate potato and fry them making in chunks to get crispy hash brown like chunks. Keep them aside too.
  • In another pan, heat ghee, add cloves, cardamoms, black pepper, jeera and let them splutter.
  • Add rice, fried cauliflower, eggplant and banana slices. Stir it and let is cook for couple of minutes.
  • Heat a spoon and add saffron crushing it a bit. After it starts sending nice aroma, mix in rice lightly.
  • Add in salt and stir for another minute. Serve by garnishing it with fried muttor and crispy potatoes.

NotesI wanted rice to be white and yet give that saffron filled rich aroma and hence I didnt put it while making rice but added it at last minute. I used black pepper in abundance as you already know the reason about it too :) but i didnt use much of cardmom or cloves, because I do add it to some of the vegetables or chicken/mutton dishes and also because I dont like them as much as black pepper :) So adjust spices according to your taste. The above portions worked wonders for me and right now enjoying even during lunch while writing this. yummy.


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