Gurer Sandesh

On the eve of upcoming Saraswati puja I decided to give this a try especially with gur because Ajoy loves that version.. It came out really well and the best part was it was not the tedious process unlike Kalakand which he keeps demanding. So now if he asks for sweet and I am tired I have something quick yet brownie point winner for my help :)

Gurer Sandesh
1 Liter Milk
3/4 Cup Jaggery
2 Spoon Vinegar
1/4 Spoon Pistachio Powder

  • In a thick pan boil the milk
  • Mix vinegar with 2 spoon of water and add it slowly to the boiling milk
  • When the milk cudles completely, take it off the heat and strain it out
  • Wash it under running cold water
  • Put it in the muslin cloth and drain the water. Keep it aside for 5 minutes so that it drains out water completely
  • In a plate knead the chena formed till its is soft and consistent in the texture.
  • Mix in grated jaggery and transfer it to the thick pan
  • Cook the mixture over medium heat till it leaves the sides and is able to hold together.
  • Make the small balls and press them against the chenar moulds, and if you dont have them just shape them into balls
  • Sprinkle the pistachio powder for garnishing

I used the Patali Gur since I had got it from Kolkatta when I had been there last month. But you can also try it with the normal Jaggery. I also feel that Patali Gur is more of the Date + Jaggery taste. So if I try with jaggery version I am going to try adding paste of Date or something like that. Will update when I try that though.
While separating whey from the milk make sure to remove it off it immediately when you see the clear green water separated from the chena. Extra cooking can make the mixture stiff.
Key to shaping the sandesh is that you shape them while its hot. As it starts cooling down it becomes difficult to shape them up. I warmed the mixture after it came to room temperature so that I can shape the remaining ones.


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