Summer Storm

We are having a rather dramatic storm today. The thunder has been crashing for an hour now, and the lightning has hit in a few places and sparked fires. Thankfully, they have been put out promptly by the rain, and the water bombers that are still around fighting a fire north of here.

I know that when a storm is raging, my energy increases and my sensitivity is heightened. Apparently, our ancestors thought thunderstorms were a time of action as well. The Romans believed that thunderstorms were the god Jupiter, hurling lightening bolts in battle. The Nordic people thought thunder was the sound of Thor’s hammer, and that he also had the ability to throw lightening.

It’s not easy to take advantage of a storm for a magical purpose. Often it’s difficult to predict when, or if (regardless of the promise of the local weatherman) the storm will hit and how long it might last. Weather systems generally move quickly through our valley, so trying to put together a ritual or set an intention and hope you get through everything before the storm passes, isn’t practical for me. I suppose taking this time to write a ritual, to have in place for the next summer storm, may be a good exercise.

A storm could be a good time for a protection ritual. Or perhaps just a great time to put a little ‘oomph’ in your intention setting. Nothing like a big “boom” to get your point across, and state your will. Collecting water from the rainfall of a storm can be useful in certain concoctions for boosting energy or causing a ruckus (if you are into that sort of thing). Today, I’ve just lit my altar candle and some calming incense (the kittens are hiding under the bed - poor babes) and have channeled my energy into some personal time with my spirits, as well as soaking in the sights and sounds of the storm.

Do you have a specific ritual/spell/activity you do during a storm?



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